Web Developement
Web Developement is the process of designing, creating and maintaining websites for the internet. It involves a range of skills and technologies, including front-end development (such as HTML, CSS, JS, React etc), Back-end development (such as Python Flask, NodeJS etc), database management and version control systems like git.
Here are few of my websites:-
codeQRcreator →
This site can convert any text to a QR Code. Also you can read any QR Code using this.
TicTacToe →
Online 2 player tictactoe game
Graph Maker →
This site helps you to create 2D graph so that you can use your precious time somewhere else.
freeDictionary →
An online free English to English dictionary.
online editor →
An online code editor for HTML, CSS & JS.
Weather App →
My first react project. A weather app.
PyApps →
I love to create windows apps using python in my free time. This site is for sharing those apps with everyone.