What I learned new this week (week 7)

Before beginning with it I should clearify first why am I writing this. Every day we learn something, specially me because I recently started using Linux for fulltime. So I am learning something every day about it. But I find out that I forget most of it because I do not write it down. So I start writing it down. Also I thought that I should share this with everyone. And this is the third week. There might be some information which is new to you. So let’s get started.

  1. In Linux, there is a command called split which will split a file into chunks of multiple files of 1000 lines. You can change to chunk size, so 1000 lines are not fixed.

  2. In case you need do the opposite task i.e. you need to merge content of multiple files into one then you can use cat command. cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt > bigfile.txt. And if you need to combine all the text files in a folder then just to cat *.txt > master.txt.

  3. Similar to WSl (Windows Subsystem for Linux) which is only of Windows there is a software namely distrobox which allows to run various linux distro from terminal.

That’s it for this week. Meeting you next week.