What I learned new this week (week 5)

Before beginning with it I should clearify first why am I writing this. Every day we learn something, specially me because I recently started using Linux for fulltime. So I am learning something every day about it. But I find out that I forget most of it because I do not write it down. So I start writing it down. Also I thought that I should share this with everyone. And this is the third week. There might be some information which is new to you. So let’s get started.

  1. In Linux File System, /proc contains bunch of files like- cpuinfo, meminfo. These files contains information about those components. Example cpuinfo contains information about cpu utilization, speed etc.

  2. Also /proc contains bunch of folders of random numbers, those folders contains data of each process. And each folder name represent the process id.

  3. In Linux, to cron job a task we can use crontab. It is a configuration file used by cron daemon. We can add new cronjob by editing the file using sudo crontab -e.

  4. In Linux, to print all the drive partitions lsblk command can be used

  5. Google have introduced a new JPEG coding library called JPEGLI. It is designed to be faster, more efficient, and more visually pleasing than traditional JPEG. But I don’t know what is this actually.

That’s it for this week. Meeting you next week.