What I learned new this week (week 3)
Before beginning with it I should clearify first why am I writing this. Every day we learn something, specially me because I recently started using Linux for fulltime. So I am learning something every day about it. But I find out that I forget most of it because I do not write it down. So I start writing it down. Also I thought that I should share this with everyone. And this is the third week. There might be some information which is new to you. So let’s get started.
Small Disclaimer:- it is not a typical blog post where we deeply discuss about something. Here I will provide only a small brief about lots of thing.
- In Python, to compare 2 list we have to first sort it. Even if 2 list have same characters and same length they are not same if index of each characters does not match.
l1 = [ 1, 3, 2, 4 ]
l2 = [ 2, 4, 1, 3 ]
print(l1 == l2) # False
print(l1.sort() == l2.sort()) # True
In Photo Editing, applying guassian blur to a noised image can decrease the noisyness but it will decrease the image quality.
NVM, Node Version Manager is a really great tool that can manage multiple versions of node in the same machine.
freelinuxpcgames.com is a great website from where we can get some good games for linux
In Linux, there is a software namely Wine or WineHQ which can run windows application on linux. Also it is very easy to use, just type
wine path/to/file.exe
in the terminal.
That’s it for this week. Meeting you next week.