What I learned new this week (week 10)

  1. In Python Flask, we can use {% include ” %} to add other html, svg or xml file into current file. Example - {% include 'Card.html' %}

  2. In vim, to move current line down by a specific number of lines we can use :m +n where n is the number of lines to move. Example - :m +4 or :m +2

  3. Similar to :m +n, :m -n can be used to move current line up by a specific number of lines. Example - :m -4 or :m -2 but there is a catch. It will move the current by n-1 numbers of line. :m -4 will move up 3 lines above instead of 4 because while moving up -1 is the current line according -4 is the 3rd line.

  4. In Vim, :/<some-text> will search all the occurance of provided text in the current file. To go to next occurance press n and to go previous occurance press shift-n or N.

  5. In Mathematics, tetration is repeated exponentiation which is denoted by na. Unlike exponentiation which is denoted by an tetration represent a to the power of a, n-1 times, i.e., aa..a Example - 42 means 2222 which is equals to 65,536 Here is its break down, 2222 = 224 = 216 = 65,536

That’s it for this week. Meeting you next week. And if you can following up with this series you may encounter the I am missing the week 9 because I am getting very lazy. Either I am playing games all the times or I am not writing it down, so I did not had anything last week.